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since Feb 2006

Find an IIHTVH Practitioner near you

The IIHTVH is growing and more and more practitioners are becoming members and are able to offer their services.

The IIHTVH can guarantee that all members have valid certificates and insurance. Many of the members are IIHTVH graduates and our non-graduate members have been chosen carefully so that we can offer their services to you from our hearts.

To ensure there is no favouritism, we list our member/practitioners in alphabetical order by country and either by their sir or business name. However, some have chosen not to be mentioned on the list. Therefore, if you are looking for a practitioner but have difficulty in deciding who would be best for you or you cannot find one on the list, send us an e-mail with your requirement and we will put you in touch with the practitioner we feel would be the most beneficial to you.

If you are a qualified therapist and would like to join the IIHTVH,  please go to become a member, complete the form and sent it to us together with a copy of your certificates and insurance cover.  We'd love to hear from you.


Nicola Newberry - West Midlands

Laura Smith - Scotland

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The Internation Institute for
Holistic Therapies and
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Professional Training in Holistic Therapies

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