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since Feb 2006

Twin Crystal

For this you will find two different types.

The first is found easily and is recognised by two crystals growing together but are not of the same shape and not necessarily of the same size.  This crystals are good tools when working with another person in a relationship i.e. mother/daughter, father/son and so on. 

The second type is quite rare because the growing together of these crystals is such that certain portions of each crystal are in parallel alignment to the other portion but they are in reverse to each other - back to back - and this shows their respect to each other. 

This crystals helps build relationships on all levels and also helps to encourage meetings with your soul-mate(s) during this life time. It also helps to create a balance between the inner and outer being so that the same energy flow is being created and therefore peace within is created.

This crystal helps one to realise that love brings freedom  bringing with it a level of understanding which is a part of the spiritual plane.  It is a wonderful crystal for working with group energies and promoting universal love.

I found my perfect specimen when I bought the crystal collection of a dear friend of mine,  Peter Kleiner.  It had a sticky label on it with the initials  P+B  which meant Peter and twin.  Every time I use it I can see them both, smiling. I love it.

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