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since Feb 2006

Reiki IV Teacher Degree Attunement

Once you have reached the decision to become a Reiki Teacher and help spread Reiki across the world, you will have discovered the vibrance and power of Reiki. To become a Teacher, there is no waiting time between Reiki Master and Teacher, only you will know when the time is right.

The Teacher attunement takes the student and practitioner to the highest level of understanding and working with the Reiki energy plus the Reiki Master now received the insight of how to attune his/her own students.

Receiving the Reiki Master Level is the highest level and brings with it a great responsibility of the trust your future students will place into your ability of being able to attune them to Reiki. This level requires your full commitment to Reiki and a spiritual way of life.

During this workshop you will first receive another Master attunement which prepare you to receive your Teacher attunement a little while later on.

The syllabus for the Teacher Attunement workshop is as follows:

  • Grounding and protection meditation
  • Reiki Master attunement to prepare for the Teacher attunement
  • 4 more Symbols used in Reiki are given making this a total of 6 as Master/Teacher. These include ancient Tibetan Symbols as well as non-original Reiki symbols that are non-the-less extremely powerful.
  • Discussing the used of these very powerful symbols
  • Deep Meditation to connect to your own Reiki Healing Masters in preparation for the Teacher Attunement
  • The Reiki Teacher Attunement increases yet again the connection with the Universal Energy of your Reiki Healing.
  • You will be taught how to give a Reiki Healing attunement
  • You will be taught how to give Reiki Attunements in Reiki I, II, III and IV.
  • Time to practice Reiki attunements on each other
  • You will learn more advanced Healing Techniques using Reiki
  • You will learn how to prepare a room, cleanse and protect with Reiki before attunement workshop
  • During class you will be given the course's outlines on how to present a Reiki class.
  • You will learn how to go about holding Reiki shares or meetings
  • You will design a Reiki Certificate
  • If you don't already have them, you will learn how to make a Reiki Brochure and business cards
  • You will be given guidance on how to market your healing business
  • IIHTVH Code of Conduct and Ethics
  • Certification as Reiki Teacher

This is a one-day intensive workshop in which you will be attuned as Reiki Teacher. This is one of the most committing days in your life.

Again, there may be an approximate 21 days of cleansing.

Your Reiki Teacher will also advise of Reiki shares or meetings held near you.

As a Reiki Master you will also have the opportunity to become a Member of the IIHTVH.

After their attunement IIHTVH Reiki Master are invited to attend a Reiki I or II workshop to experience and learn first hand the giving of the sacred attunements by watching an IIHTVH teacher during a workshop.

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