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since Feb 2006

Dow Crystals

also known as trans-channelling crystal

Katrina Raphaell, author of the three books and named the Dow Crystal in honor of Jane Anne Dow, a close friend of hers. The crystal itself is a variation of a channeling crystal.

This is a combination between a transmitter and channelling crystal.  It  has the very sacred geometry of 3 time seven sides and three times three sides.  The sides of this six sides crystal will present themselves to you as 7:3:7:3:7:3 and will terminated to a perfect apex point.  This crystal manifests the most perfect geometry of all crystals.  The number seven represents intuition and spiritual connection and the three represents the grounding of this connection and the ability to express it.

While it is possible for one to channel a nonphysical entity after practice with this crystals, that need not be the goal. It can also help us awaken and access our own intuitive knowledge, especially when we have a problem we can't solve through usual reasoning patterns.

With this crystal it is not only possible to access and express your own deep truth but also to receive, project already programmed information that this crystal holds deep within itself.   If you are the rightful owner of this crystal, it will reveal all this programmed information to you. 

When you add up the three times seven and the three time three it amounts to the number thirty.  In numerology,  thirty is the three with the circle,  the circle representing the wheel of life with all its aspects and reducing the thirty down to three brings us to the holy trinity. 

In a Dow crystal the termination has three seven-sided faces and three triangles. This means that the energies described above are perfectly balanced.

This energy serves to remind us that we are already perfect. So many philosophies devised by humans seem designed only to tell us how flawed, inadequate and in need of major repair we are. When we believe this, we cut ourselves off from our soul essence, which is pure love. Thus we disallow what can return us to wholeness.   

When we're aware of a particular chakra being out of balance, we can place the Dow crystal there. For example, if you feel lacking in self-esteem, put the Dow on the navel/solar plexus area. You may wish to surround it with four citrines or a combination of citrine and tiger's eye.

Dow crystals can also help us to view the suffering of others from the soul perspective. In this state we experience compassion and are able to shift our attention from the misery of others and create and hold an image of them appreciating their own soul essence.

Working with the Dow,  can bring us the same balance and total order into our lives so that we too find that perfect harmony in the trinity,  the body, mind and soul.

The perfect Dow crystal is where all the seven-sided  faces are equal as are all of the three-sided faces.

The Dow crystal will provide intuitive and creative awareness even without focusing. This crystal brings higher awareness and the ability to access records to answer questions or thought forms.

We hope you enjoyed reading about the Dow Crystal.
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