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since Feb 2006

Channeling Crystals

Channeling Crystals are recognised by at least one seven-sided face (if only one  at the front) and a perfect triangle exactly opposite at the back of the 7sided face.   As we learn in numerology,  the seven represents the student and the mystic in search of deeper truths and the mystic.  Seven also represents the one who goes beyond to the higher mind in search of higher wisdom. The seven also represents intuition and spiritual connection;  while three represents grounding of this connection  (much as a pyramid grounds spiritual energy), and the ability to express it.   The large seven-sided face of the channeling crystal acts as a doorway for the student to find his deeper truth.

The three-sided face on the back of the crystal allows for verbal truths to be spoken because the number three is symbolic for the power of speech and creative expression.

Therefore the combination of the three and seven is very powerful,  the seven enabling the mind to travel within to find the deep truth and the three allows this truth to be spoken.

Your channeling crystal will enable you to tap into your inner truths deep within and bring them forth to join your truths in the outer world and create a perfect consciousness.

The seven sides of the face represents the seven qualities of the human consciousness whereby each quality represents and is in balance with the other.  These qualities are:  love, knowledge, freedom, manifestation, joy, peace and unity.  Only when these qualities are part of one's being will the door to channeling be open and truth allowed to flow.

Because it is possible to have contact with other 'ntities' while channelling,  it is advisable to look at the information and check it against your own inner knowledge.  In other words,  only accept it if it feels right for you.

Normally this crystal is used to channel information from the angelic realm and ascended masters,  but it can also used to channel healing.  As always, if you use your channeling crystal for personal use,  it is best to acquire one specially for healing.

Channelling Crystal provides a conscious connection to higher wisdom within ones own self


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