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since Feb 2006


Dr Mikao Usui

Dr Usui Mikao 1865.8.15 - 1926.3.9

Usui Reiki with the IIHTVH

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient healing art that involves placing the hands on an area of the body and directing universal light and life force energy into the patient to allow the body to recharge it's batteries and heal itself. Reiki can be used on oneself, or on others to help correct the bodies natural flow and homeostasis of the energy system.

Reiki is made up of two Japanese words, 'Rei' meaning 'Universal Life Force' and 'Ki' (same as the Chinese Chi) meaning 'energy', both being constantly around us. Reiki can be found in the ancient teachings as far back as Atlantis, India and Tibet. However, it was rediscovered more recently, in the 19th century by a Japanese Buddhist/Doctor Dr Mikao Usui. Reiki is so simple that everyone can learn to use it, but its simplicity takes nothing away from its power. It is extremely effective and is rapidly spreading in popularity as more and more people discover and learn how to use this wonderful 'Gift of the Universe'.

At the IIHTVH, Reiki is taught in the traditional Usui way in Attunements during three hands-on workshops called Reiki I Level, Reiki II Practitioner Level, Reiki III Master Level and Reiki IV Teacher Level. In these workshops the student is taught how to give a Reiki treatment and is initiated into the Reiki system of Natural Healing using a special energy transmission and the method to amplify the flow of energy.

Each energy transmission is a deep cleansing which affects all three levels of the human being - the body, mind and spirit. Reiki loosens up blocked energy, cleanses the body of toxins and supports the healing process.

Just as running water will smooth away the jagged edges of a rock until it is small enough to flow away, Reiki travels through the body to the areas in need to soothe pain and support the body's natural ability to heal itself. Reiki is very much, a non-intrusive and gentle Vibrational Healing

Students receive in-depth course notes with each workshop written by IIHTVH Principal and Reiki Master/Teacher Anna Mandala, plus their IIHTVH Diploma on the completion of each degree of attunement.

On qualifying, Reiki I's, II's III's and IV's can apply to become members of the IIHTVH.



Reiki I

Reiki II


Reiki III Master

Reiki IV Teacher

Reiki Master & Teacher together

Reiju Empower










Reiki I                   Reiki II                  Reiki III                             Reiki IV
Teacher Training Programme              Reiju
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