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since Feb 2006
Reiki kit, self help kit
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easy to follow kit to practice Reiki


Reiki kit

As metaphysical teachers and  Reiki teachers and healers, we have put together a kit that will help you to practice Reiki in your own home. It is a useful kit for those just initiated into Reiki i and or II  or for Reiki Teachers to give you their students so they can practice safely at home.

Calling Reiki Teachers, please send us message to discuss special offer for teachers so you can sell this kit to their students.  We will then put this kit on ebay as wholesale with quantitities for teachers to be able to buy this kit, thank you.

This beautifully put together kit is perfect for any newly initiated Reiki healers.  The kit has all you need to help you on your Reiki journey and help you go through your 21 days of self-healing and beyond.  The kit includes a booklet, a step-by-step guide on hand positions & how to prepare yourself and your room.  It comes in an easy to flip booklet which wont't distub your focus during your healing.  The kit also includes an oil to add to your burner, the combined oils are to help chleanse your space and put you into the healing mind.  A booklet to write down any thoughts and experiences (complete with bamboo pen).  A spray to help clear your chakras and prepare you for healing.  A white candle as a focus. 2 insence sticks to help clear your space of unwanted energies and keep you in that safe space and a white feather to remind you that you are protected.

The kit contains the following:

* a  booklet laminated cards with info on hand positions etc

* a booklet to write down your own experiences

* 30ml  Aura spray

10ml bottle of Aura Oil to burn
*a wooden pen
* a feather
* a white candle iin a jar

The chakra oil is to burn while practicing Reiki to create an ambience for healing and enhance the chakras. We have  listed the ingredience of the oil in the booklet

Would make a lovely present for someone who has just been initiated into Reiki.

If you live in one of the British Isles, Channel Islands, Scottish Isles/highlands, pls contact us for a postage quote, thank you

Disclaimer: We do not diagnose, treat, or cure any health issues. This product is not intended to replace your doctor’s prescription, rather to help you achieve a sense of well-being.

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